Journal articles
- Lamb, J., Fawns, T., Noteboom, J., & Ross, J. (2025). Choreography and improvisation in hybrid teaching. Higher Education Research & Development, 44(1), 98–115.
- Fawns, T., Bearman, M., Dawson, P., Nieminen, J. H., Ashford-Rowe, K., Willey, K., Jensen, L. X., Damşa, C., & Press, N. (2024). Authentic assessment: From panacea to criticality. Assessment & Evaluation in Higher Education.
- Fawns, T., & Schuwirth, L. (2024). Rethinking the value proposition of assessment at a time of rapid development in generative artificial intelligence. Medical Education, 58(1): 14-16.
- Fawns, T., Ross, J., Carbonel, H., Noteboom, J., Finnegan-Dehn, S., & Raver, M. (2023). Mapping and tracing the postdigital: Approaches and parameters of postdigital research. Postdigital Science and Education, 5, 623–642.
- Markauskaite, L., Carvalho, L. & Fawns, T. (2023). The role of teachers in a sustainable university: from digital competencies to postdigital capabilities. Educational Technology Research and Development, 71, 181–198.
- Lodge, J. M., Howard, S., Bearman, M., Dawson, P., & Associates. (2023). Assessment reform for the age of artificial intelligence. Tertiary Education Quality and Standards Agency.
- Liu, D., Fawns, T., Cowling, M., & Bridgeman, A. (2023). Working paper: Responding to generative AI in Australian Higher education. EdArXiv. October, 3.
- Fawns, T. (2023). Cued recall : Using photo-elicitation to examine the distributed processes of remembering with photographs. Memory Studies, 16(2), 264–279.
- Fawns, T. (2022). An Entangled Pedagogy: Looking Beyond the Pedagogy—Technology Dichotomy. Postdigital Science and Education, 4(3), 711–728.
- Fawns, T. (2022). Remembering in the wild : recontextualising and reconciling studies of media and memory. Memory, Mind & Media, 1, E11.
- Aitken, G., Fawns, T., Warran, K., & Jones, D. (2022). Making space to learn about teaching: expanding teaching horizons through postgraduate education. Advances in Health Sciences Education, 28, 327–344.
- Fawns, T., & Schaepkens, S. (2022). A Matter of Trust: Online Proctored Exams and the Integration of Technologies of Assessment in Medical Education. Teaching and Learning in Medicine, 34(4), 444-453.
- Fawns, T., Mulherin, T., Hounsell, D., & Aitken, G. (2021). Seamful learning and professional education. Studies in Continuing Education, 43(3), 360-376 - Fawns, T., Aitken, G., Jones, D., & Gravett, K. (2021). Beyond Technology in Online Postgraduate Education. Postdigital Science and Education, 4, 557–572.
- Fawns, T., Aitken, G. & Jones, D. (2021). Ecological teaching evaluation vs the datafication of quality: Understanding education with, and around, data. Postdigital Science and Education, 3, 65–82.
- Gulasaryan, A., Aitken, G., Fawns, T., Jones, D., Napier, J., & Walker, K. (2021). How can inhabited institutionalism inform the analysis of medical education? Medical Education.
- Hennus, M. P., Nusmeier, A., van Heesch, G. G. M., Riedijk, M. A., Schoenmaker, N. J., Soeteman, M., Wildschut, E. D., Fawns, T., & Cate, O. Ten. (2021). Development of entrustable professional activities for paediatric intensive care fellows: A national modified Delphi study. PLoS ONE, 16(3 March), 1–19.
- Aitken, G., Smith, K., Fawns, T., Jones, D. (2020). Participatory alignment: a positive relationship between educators and students during online masters dissertation supervision. Teaching in Higher Education.
- Fawns, T., Jones, D., & Aitken, G. (2020). Challenging assumptions about “moving online” in response to covid-19 , and some practical advice. MedEdPublish, 9(1), 83.
- Jones, D., Fawns, T., & Aitken, G. (2020). Using a theoretical framework to develop postgraduate health professions education research and practice. MedEdPublish, 9(1): 78.
- Fawns, T., Aitken, G. & Jones, D. (2019). Online learning as embodied, socially meaningful experience. Postdigital Science and Education.
- Fawns, T. (2019). Postdigital education in design and practice. Postdigital Science and Education, 1(1), 132–145.
- Fawns, T. (2019). Blended memory: A framework for understanding distributed autobiographical remembering with photography. Memory Studies.
- Aitken, G., Jones, D., Fawns, T. et al. (2019). Using Bourdieu to explore graduate attributes in two online Master’s programmes. Advances in Health Sciences Education, 24, 559–576
- Fawns, T. & O’Shea, C. (2019). Evaluative judgement of working practices: Reconfiguring assessment to support student adaptability and agency across complex settings. Italian Journal of Educational Technology. 27(1), 5-18.
- Moeller, J. J. & Fawns, T. (2018). IInsights into teaching a complex skill: Threshold concepts and troublesome knowledge in electroencephalography (EEG). Medical Teacher, 40(4), 387–394.
- Fawns, T., Bayne, S., Ross, J., Nicol, S., Quayle, E., Macleod, H. & Howie, K. (2015). Socially reconstructing history: The Social History Timestream application. Continuum, 29(4), pp. 522-533.
- Fawns, T. (2015). Lessons from personal photography: the digital disruption of selectivity and reflection. Techtrends59, pp. 50-55.
- Fawns, T. (2014). Photography and the disruption of memory and meaning. Ubiquity 3(1-2), pp. 3-14.
- O’Shea, C. & Fawns, T. (2014). Group connoisseurship: creating shared understandings of quality in online collaborative assessments. Brookes eJournal of Learning and Teaching, 6(2).
- McKenzie, K., Cossar, J., Fawns, T. & Murray, A. L. (2012). Reconciling the professional and student identities of Clinical Psychology Trainees. Advances in Health Sciences Education, 18, pp. 745-754.
- McKenzie, K. & Fawns, T. (2011). Social networking, identity and professionalism in clinical psychology. Clinical Psychology Forum.
- Fawns, T. McKenzie, K. (2010). Using e-portfolios to enhance students’ learning. Nursing Times, 106.
- Fawns, T. & McKenzie, K. (2009). Facilitating online discussion, tutoring and moderating skills in clinical psychology lecturers. Clinical Psychology Forum.
Edited books
- Fawns, T., Aitken, G., Jones, D. (Eds.) (2021). Online Postgraduate Education in a Postdigital World.: Beyond Technology. Cham: Springer.
- Fawns, T.(Ed.). (2013). Memory and Meaning: Digital Differences. Oxford: Inter-Disciplinary Press.
Book chapters
- Fawns, T. (2025). Photography, Digital Media and Technology: Moving from Effects on Memory to Entanglements in Remembering Activity. In Q. Wang & A. Hoskins (Eds.). The Remaking of Memory in the Age of the Internet and Social Media (pp. ?). Oxford University Press.
- Fawns, T. (2024). Engaged with what, whom, when, how and why? Longitudinal and relational engagement in online postgraduate education in Scotland. In C. Stone & S. O’Shea (Eds.). Research Handbook on Student Engagement in Higher Education (pp. 241-254). Elgar.
- Fawns, T., & Nieminem, J. (2023). The only way is ethics: A dialogue of assessment and social good. In L. Czerniewicz & C. Cronin (Eds.), Higher Education for Good: Teaching and Learning Futures (pp. 533-553). Open Book Publishers.
- Fawns, T., Aitken, G., Maheswaran, Y., & Yasotharan, K. (2023). Expanding the Pedagogical Space: Co-design and Participation in an Online Postgraduate Course. In A. Weich & F. Macgilchrist (Eds.), Postdigital Participation in Education (pp. 125–147). Springer Nature Switzerland.
- Fawns, T., Markauskaite, L., Carvalho, L., & Goodyear, P. (2022). H2m pedagogy: Designing for hybrid learning in medical education. In E. Gil, Y. Mor, Y. Dimitriadis, & C. Köppe (Eds.), Hybrid Learning Spaces. Berlin: Springer.
- Fawns, T., Aitken, G., and Jones, D. (2021). Introduction: A Postdigital Position on Online Postgraduate Education. In T. Fawns, G. Aitken, & D. Jones (Eds.), Online Postgraduate Education in a Postdigital World: Beyond Technology (pp. xv-xxvi). Cham: Springer.
- Fawns, T., Aitken, G., and Jones, D. (2021). A Little More Conversation, A Little Less Factionalisation: Thoughts for The Postdigital Future of Online Postgraduate Education. In T. Fawns, G. Aitken, & D. Jones (Eds.), Online Postgraduate Education in a Postdigital World: Beyond Technology (pp. 217–232). Cham: Springer.
- Fawns, T., and Sinclair, C. (2021). Towards Ecological Evaluation of Online Courses: Aiming for Thick Description. In T. Fawns, G. Aitken, & D. Jones (Eds.), Online Postgraduate Education in a Postdigital World: Beyond Technology (pp. 85–104). Cham: Springer.
- Fawns, T., Gallagher, M., and Bayne, S. (2021d). Institutional Contexts in Supporting Quality Online Postgraduate Education: Lessons Learned from Two Initiatives at The University of Edinburgh. In T. Fawns, G. Aitken, & D. Jones (Eds.), Online Postgraduate Education in a Postdigital World: Beyond Technology (pp. 197–216). Cham: Springer.
- Fawns, T. (2020). The photo-elicitation interview as a multimodal site for reflexivity. In Visual Methods in Psychology (Second Edition), pp. 487–501. Reavey, P. (Ed.). Routledge.
- O’Shea, C. and Fawns, T. (2014). Disruptions and Dialogues: Supporting Collaborative Connoisseurship in Digital Environments. In Advances and Innovations in University Assessment and Feedback: A Festschrift in Honour of Professor Dai Hounsell. Kreber, C., Anderson, C., Entwistle, N. & McArthur, J. (Eds.). EdinburghUniversity Press, pp. 259-273.
- Fawns, T. (2013). Blended Memory: the Changing Balance of Technologically-mediated Semantic and Episodic Memory. In Memory and Meaning: Digital Differences. Fawns (Ed.) Inter-Disciplinary Press, pp. 75-98.
- Fawns, T. (2013). Introduction: Finding Digital Memory. In Memory and Meaning: Digital Differences. Fawns (Ed.) Inter-Disciplinary Press.
eBook chapters
- Fawns, T., Macleod, H., and Quayle, E. (2012). Social and technological influences on engagement with personal memory objects: a media roles perspective. Remembering Digitally. Inter-Disciplinary Press. Available at
- Fawns, T. (2012). Blended Memory: the Changing Balance of Technologically-mediated Semantic and Episodic Memory. Navigating Landscapes of Mediated Memory. Inter-Disciplinary Press. Available at:
Conference proceedings
- Fawns, T. & O’Shea, C. (2018). Distributed Learning and Isolated Testing: Tensions in Traditional Assessment Practices. Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Networked Learning 2018. Bajić, M., Dohn, N. B., de Laat, M., Jandrić, P. & Ryberg, T. (eds.). pp. 132-139.
- O’Shea, C. and Fawns, T. (2014).A new conceptual frame for group work: group connoisseurship. The Open and Flexible Higher Education Conference. EADTU, Krakow, Poland. 23-24 October, 2014. pp.287-304.